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Department of Labour, Vocational Training, Cooperation and Social Security

The Department of Labour, Vocational Training, Cooperation and Social Security promotes programs aimed at overcoming the conditions of disadvantage and at the consequential social and work integration of migrants, with attention to those who are vulnerable and at risk of social exclusion, including asylum-seekers and beneficiaries of international protection.

The Regional Council for Immigration, responsible for discussion and dialogue on migration issues and problems, was established by Regional Law no. 46 of 24 December 1990, Rules for the protection of the living conditions of non-EU workers in Sardinia.

Visit the Regional Council for Immigration website (in Italian)

The Department of Labour is also responsible for the competences provided for in the Unplanned Migration Flows Plan 2019 (Resolution of the Regional Executive 1/4 of 08 January 2019) which were handled by the suppressed “Regional Coordination Office for the reception of migrants” Project Unit.
Competences were transferred pursuant to Resolution no. 38/25 of 26 September 2019.

Visit the Unplanned Migration Flows Plan website

The following main actions have been carried out:

Vocational training and interventions have fostered employability, through the provision of integrated services strengthening the migrants’ skills and active inclusion.

Migrants’ inclusion processes have been enhanced by promoting actions in support of parenthood and second generations, with actions carried out in schools of all levels and information campaigns on migration-related issues.

Protection of workers’ rights and fight against the serious exploitation of human beings has been enhanced by planning, organising, and managing evidence-based policies to improve the multidisciplinary governance of measures for detection and integration of problems through inter-institutional cooperation.

Contact person :
Dott. Marco Sechi
via San Simone 60 (piano 4°) - 09122 Cagliari
tel. 070.606.2313